Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod
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Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod

They say no one likes a long commute, but I prove that saying wrong because I love my two hour commute. I used to struggle with motivation to get out the door in the morning after waking up. This ended up costing me a promotion because of too many late mornings. Installing some new speakers and a better sound system in my car completely changed my driving experience. Now that I can listen to all my favorite music during the drive, I jump out of bed and get going early or on time every day. Find out what you need to do to improve your commute with music.

Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod

Flat Screen TV Vs. Projector: Which Is Right For Your Conference Room?

Veronica Dixon

The days of audio-only remote conferencing are long in the past. Providing a visual component for teleconferencing and presentations is essential for the modern boardroom environment, and that means the display often forms the centerpiece of any conference room A/V system. As a result, choosing the correct display can elevate your entire setup, while the wrong one can bring it down.

You'll need to choose between a traditional flatscreen TV or computer monitor and a projector for most standard conference rooms. While projectors were often the high-end choice in the past, flatscreen displays have advanced by leaps and bounds and now make sense for many use cases. Selecting the right one will often come down to your specific requirements.

Who Should Choose a Flatscreen Television?

Flatscreen televisions have several critical advantages over projectors, including longer lifespans, easier maintenance, lower upfront costs, and more straightforward installation processes. Television hardware also tends to be more familiar to most people, making it easier for in-house IT or technical support to deal with minor issues.

In general, televisions work well for conference rooms that aren't too large. You can use a distance calculator to determine an appropriate size for your boardroom by using the distance of the farthest seat from the TV's position. If your employees primarily use your display for presentations with small text or charts, consider increasing the size by one step.

Who Should Choose a Projector?

Projectors tend to be more expensive, with lower-end models often providing inferior picture quality compared to less costly televisions. Projectors also require more care since their bulbs have relatively short lifespans. You may need to spend additional time training your staff to use the projector, and your in-house technical support may be less familiar with the technology.

On the other hand, projectors can provide massive screens when compared to traditional televisions. Roll-down projectors can also stow neatly out of the way, providing more flexibility in placement. As a result, these displays are often more suitable for large conference rooms or any room where wall space is at a steep premium.

Which Option Should You Choose?

Determining the ideal option for your space is a matter of carefully considering the size of the room, the placement of the display, and your budget. Working with a professional audio/visual team is often the best way to select the type of display that works best for your company's specific needs. Experienced professionals can also help you design the rest of your system to work with your choice.

Remember that a perfectly designed conference audio system won't be of much use if your attendees can't easily see presentations or video conferences. Taking the time to select a perfect display will allow you to create a system that provides the whole package for your meeting attendees. Contact a company like Ward's MediaTech to learn more.
