Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod
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Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod

They say no one likes a long commute, but I prove that saying wrong because I love my two hour commute. I used to struggle with motivation to get out the door in the morning after waking up. This ended up costing me a promotion because of too many late mornings. Installing some new speakers and a better sound system in my car completely changed my driving experience. Now that I can listen to all my favorite music during the drive, I jump out of bed and get going early or on time every day. Find out what you need to do to improve your commute with music.

Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod

Tips For Your Time In A Recording Studio

Veronica Dixon

For a musician, the ability to spend time in a recording studio can be a dream come true as well as a rare chance to record their music in an ideal setting. However, new musicians may not be familiar with what is involved with a trip to the recording studio, and this can put them at a disadvantage when it comes to maximizing their time in this facility.

Have A List Of The Songs You Want To Record

Prior to arriving at the recording studio, you should spend a few moments preparing a comprehensive list of the songs that you are wanting to perform. This can ensure that you are adequately practiced for the songs that you are wanting to record, and it can also help you with ensuring that you are able to record all of the songs that you are wanting to perform. If you have time left over after you have recorded these songs, you may be able to try to perform others, but this should serve as your roadmap for the entire recording session.

Reserve Enough Time To Account For Problems

Booking time in a recording studio can be a major investment, and it is common for individuals to want to reduce their costs by limiting the amount of time that they are reserving. However, this can lead to problems as there may be problems that arise that you will have to address. A common example of this can be breaking strings as it can take time to remove the broken string, install the new one, and then tune the instrument. By reserving more time than you think you will need for the number of songs you are recording, you can provide yourself with enough time to allow you to easily handle these situations without impacting your ability to record your set of songs.

Avoid Bringing Unnecessary People Into The Studio

It can be tempting to bring some of your friends or family members into the recording studio with you to watch your performance. However, this can be a major distraction to both yourself as well as the audio engineers that will be responsible for capturing the sound of your song. Limiting this to only those that are actively participating in the performance can avoid these problems while also ensuring that there is enough space in the studio for it to be comfortable. Lastly, this is also important as recording studios may have a maximum number of people that they allow.

For more tips and information, contact a local recording studio.
