Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod
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Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod

They say no one likes a long commute, but I prove that saying wrong because I love my two hour commute. I used to struggle with motivation to get out the door in the morning after waking up. This ended up costing me a promotion because of too many late mornings. Installing some new speakers and a better sound system in my car completely changed my driving experience. Now that I can listen to all my favorite music during the drive, I jump out of bed and get going early or on time every day. Find out what you need to do to improve your commute with music.

Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod

Small Details That Can Give Your Live Stream A Professional Appearance

Veronica Dixon

Live streaming is a valuable service for many businesses and organizations. If you haven't previously attempted to share a live stream but now want to do so, it may be time to find a live streaming service that can help you. Businesses often rely on this communication method to share board meetings and other events with people across the country. Likewise, even churches and branches of local government can also benefit from live streaming. You want your stream to have a professional appearance, regardless of how many people will be watching it. Here are some small details that can accomplish this goal.

Organization Logo

Look for a live streaming service that will allow you to place one or more logos on the screen as soon as your event begins. Regardless of the type of organization that you represent, being able to place your organization's logo on the corner of the screen is a small detail that provides the stream with a professional look. For example, businesses will definitely want to use this feature when they stream meetings or seminars, while churches may also rely on this feature when streaming their weekly services.


Another small detail that can have a big impact on the look of your live stream is the ability to add titles to the screen when people are talking. There are several different approaches that you may wish to take. For example, during a company meeting or a local government meeting, having the name and title of each person who speaks appear at the bottom of the screen will be informative for those who are watching. Other organizations can use the ability to add titles in additional ways. For example, in a church service stream, it might be helpful to list a hymn name and page number on the screen so that people who are watching at home can find the hymn in their book and sing along.


Using a live streaming service that gives people who are watching the ability to comment can further help to create a professional appearance. Many streaming services offer an interface in which someone watching can click a "Comment" button and submit their comment for someone at your event to read. In addition to giving the stream a professional look, the presence of this button can also be a feature that considerably improves engagement with those who are watching the stream.

Contact a company that provides live streaming solutions for more information. 
